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Winter Lawn Care Tips

Even here in New England, where the sun isn’t exactly shining all year round, taking care of your lawn is a year round task. While the cold winter months aren’t the busiest time of year for homeowners, there are still…

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Winterizing your Lawn

With winter approaching it is time to start winterizing your lawn.  New England Lawn Care has a Premium Lawn Care program that takes the necessary steps to preserve your lawn for the cold weather and make it so that it…

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Dealing with Leaves and your Lawn

Fall is here in Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut. Once the leaves begin to fall in early autumn, homeowners around the country wonder what they are going to do with all those pesky leaves scattered about their lawn. While each…

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this is a close up photo of a push lawn mower mowing long grass

Mowing Tips

Mowing height is one of the most crucial details responsible for a lawn’s success during the growing season.  At New England Lawn Care we will grow it so you can mow it. Our products and recipe are designed for maximum…

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this is a photo of a metal rake cleaning up dry grass with worker boots in the background

Topdressing and Dethatching

Topdressing A lawn’s soil profile is the most important foundation for growing a lush, green turf stand. Normally done in the fall with seeding procedures but can provide beneficial  Levels the soil surface to prevent holes that can cause turfgrass…

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this is a photo of a hand spreading seed onto soil

Seeding Tips

When it comes to installing a new lawn, renovating an old one, or annually seeding as a maintenance plan; overseeding with new grass varieties is a key to the longevity of a lawn’s success and is very beneficial.  Updating new…

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this is a photo of a sprinkler watering a lawn

Watering Tips

From natural rain water to automatic sprinkler systems, watering is another crucial detail in growing and maintaining a beautiful lawn throughout the whole year. Although watering is just one puzzle piece, it is important to start the lawn off with…

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